T-Mobile and Sprint postpone merger deadline to July 29


This delay would come after the head of the antitrust division of the United States Department of Justice had said that he had not yet decided whether to approve the deal or not. This is not entirely surprising, as earlier this month the Department of Justice said it was unlikely that the merger would be approved without major changes. While the ministry has not revealed its specific concerns, Reuters indicates that the antitrust division is currently considering the argument that the agreement would result in a more efficient and faster 5G.

The agreement was officially announced by the two wireless service providers last April, but it was clear from the start that it would face serious regulatory problems and scrutiny from the federal government. T-Mobile and Sprint were hoping that the deal would be approved before July (and targeted April before that). It is unclear how many delays companies will suffer, but there is still no talk of ending this merger as they had done with plans in the past.


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