In 2016, T-Mobile rolled out T-Mobile One plans, which replaced the older (and often cheaper) Simple Choice plans. Many subscribers of the time still have the old plans and another subset is notified from yesterday of updating a rather chic complementary upgrade: unlimited broadband data. The lucky "loyal customers of T-Mobile" will be imposed new packages on 3/16, unless they withdraw for any reason.

SMS sent to eligible customers. Image via Reddit.

Full details of the change are available on a promotional page on the T-Mobile website, but it's a fairly simple upgrade. Eligible customers – determined according to unknown criteria, even though it seems to act for most customers with 4GB + packages – are notified by SMS from yesterday that all their phone lines are automatically replaced by unlimited T-Mobile 3/16 data plans. The only problem we can notice is that the change does not apply to data lines or data lines only because the old limits of data still apply in Mexico and Canada, and lines added to your plan later will not receive the same free upgrade. .

If you specifically want to cancel this change, you can use the form located here on the T-Mobile website. In any case, qualified Magenta Team customers will enjoy the benefits of unlimited data in just under two weeks.