T1 Faker on solo queue wins traders: “The riot will solve this problem well. I hope new measures are set to stop these bad users …”


On July 31, in the 2021 LCK Summer Split, T1 defeated Fredit BRION 2-1 to claim their 9th win of the season. With the victory, T1 overtook DWG KIA and took 4th place. After the game, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok joined the press room to chat with the media. During the interview, Faker spoke about the recent winning traders in the solo queue.

What do you think of today’s victory?

If we had won our last game and had a winning streak it would have been better, but I’m happy because our performance in today’s win was good.

You almost locked a playoff spot. How does that feel?

Since our goal isn’t to make the playoffs, locking down a slot doesn’t mean much.

You were named Player of the Match while playing LeBlanc. How would you rate your own performance today?

There are some games that went well in today’s game, but it’s a shame that we played careless and idle. Game 1 went well, so the result was good, but I ruled out the opponent’s ganks in Game 2 when I was doing well. Other than that, I lacked detailed laning parts.

T1 chose Renekton in Game 3. Was it from the comments after Game 2?

We wanted to change the flow, and it looked like they had prepared the Renekton pick, so we took it.

You recently played with Oner in the jungle.

After the first round our results were not very good and the team atmosphere was also bad. I think Oner is starting to improve these parts. In this process, Oner led a lot of games, so I think the team atmosphere has improved a lot thanks to that.

There were some solo queue winning trading issues that you discussed in your feed, and a lot of them got banned. What do you think?

My solo queue points have gone down a lot, and I think it’s because of my own faults. I want to improve my form even more and finish the season higher. About the winning trading issues, I was pretty enraged when I brought it up. I think Riot will solve this problem well. I hope that new measures will be put in place to stop these bad users for myself and for other users as well.

Your next opponent is Gen.G whom you beat in the first round. How are you going to face them?

We beat Gen.G in the first round, and this time it’s close to the playoffs, so we have to beat them to have a good flow. Since our form is improving more and more, I want to show it in this game.

You have collected 700 POG points. Don’t want to get the Player of the Season award?

It would be nice if I got POG, but I think things will follow if I just deal with playing as a team. It doesn’t bother me too much.

You shook hands with Oner before Game 3. Why did you shake hands with him?

After Game 2, the mood for the team was a bit lower. Above all, Oner seemed to have a lot of regrets as he couldn’t do anything during the loss. I trembled with him saying let’s do well in game 3.

A final comment?

Regular season results are important, but as much as there is the playoffs, our performance there is the most important. I’m going to work hard so that we can show our best performance to the fans in the playoffs.


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