Taco Bell in the Midland Mall named best of the nation


MIDLAND (WJRT) (5/3/2019) – The Taco Bell in Midland Mall has been named the best of the United States this week.

The franchise beat another 7,000 in customer service, store cleanliness and other factors that Taco Bell representatives use to judge them.

All Midland Mall employees received a free Xbox video game console to win this prestigious award.

In addition, Jennifer Avery, the winner's general manager, Taco Bell, has been named the best restaurant general manager in the overall Golden Bell program.

She recently received an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii, where she accepted the award. The trip was paid for by Mariane Inc. in Houghton Lake, which has several Taco Bell locations in the Midwest.

Anastacia DeMitchell, who manages the new Frankenmuth Taco Bell, and Donna Haskins, who runs a Taco Bell in Grand Haven, have also received awards for being among the 100 best general managers in the chain.

"We are delighted to hear that Jennifer has received this prestigious honor, but we can not say that we are surprised," said Rodney Walker, owner of Mariane Inc., "We could not be more pleased to recognize this Taco Bell Family.


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