Taco Bell to open a theme hotel this summer in California


Taco Bell to open a theme hotel this summer in California

All fans of taco, chalupa and gordita crunches will be delighted. Taco Bell will open a themed hotel in Palm Springs in August of this year. According to Business Insider, this taco-themed hotel will host more than 18 people with unique menu items, a gift shop, nail art, fades and a woven bar inspired by the restaurant. So, get your swimsuit ready, mark your calendars and start counting down, because The Bell is about to make all of your taco dreams come true, "said Taco Bell, reports that the hotel should take its reservations from of June.

Call all fans of taco, chalupa and gordita crunch.

Taco Bell opens a themed hotel in Palm Springs in August of this year.

According to Business Insider, this taco-themed hotel will seat more than 18 people with unique menu items, a gift shop, nails, fondues and a woven bar inspired by the restaurant.

"Complete with exclusive Taco Bell menu items and lots of surprises, The Bell is sure to be the spice of your summer, so get your swimsuit ready, mark your calendars and start counting down, because The Bell is about to to make all your dreams come true, "said Taco Bell.

Business Insider reports that the hotel is expected to take its reservations from June.

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