Taika Waititi says that it took years for the Jojo rabbit to come true


Taika Waititi plays the role of imaginary Hitler in Jojo Rabbit.
Image: Fox Projector

The anti-hate satire of Taika Waititi One might think that it was created as a response to the wave of fascism of the Trump era, but Waititi tries to make Jojo Rabbit to arrive for almost a decade. In a new interview, Waititi talked about the movie's long road and the reasons why, the fact that it was not created for the here and now, does not mean that it exists.

"It was not something where it seemed like" we'd better do our movie now because the Nazis have become popular again, "" Waititi told The Hollywood Reporter, as part of a long interview about the film – about a young member of the Hitler Youth and his imaginary friend, a silly and childish recreation of Adolf Hitler who discovers that his family secretly protects a Jewish girl from Nazi persecution.

Waititi said he was working on Jojo Rabbit since 2011, basing his scenario on Christine Leunens' novel Cage sky– who has a similar story, although the idea of ​​making Hitler the imaginary flagship of young Jojo, played by Roman Griffin Davis in the film, is his own.

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Taika Waititi skewers the Führer in the new Jojo Rabbit Trailer

For now and forever, it is certainly not the right time to be a Nazi.

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He started presenting the project to producers in 2012, but found that maybe without surprisehe had a hard time selling a parody of a young Nazi who was friends with an imaginary Hitler. This did not help that Waititi wanted that an actor on the star list plays the role of Hitler as part of a "package deal" for potential studios, but he's not sure. 39 found someone who is willing to do this, for equally surprising reasons, according to Waititi:

Most people really liked the script. I think people have struggled to understand if this was a good career and I can fully understand. Who really wants to see himself as Adolf Hitler on a poster?

The movie ended up on the Hollywood blacklist and it was not until about 2018 that Fox Searchlight was integrated. According to THR, it was on one condition: they wanted Waititi to play Hitler, as they thought he would "embody the part with the nuances as he had written them". Waititi said that he was not very comfortable with the idea in the beginning – partly because of his Russian-Jewish heritage and his as Waititi clearly told THR: "I hate the Nazis" – but finally agreed.

And now, the film is coming out at a time when it seems more than ever in the news. A Disney executive was apparently worried about publishing it, so as not to damage the brand's image. Waititi said the creation and the release of Jojo Rabbit This was not an intentional comment on the state of affairs in 2019, as the film has been in the movies for a long time. But he recognizes that the film does not necessarily come out by chance.

We do not feel that "we should do our film now because the Nazis have become popular again. Yay! "I'm not the type to say," Well, you know that Mercury is backward, that 's why it happened today. "I think things happen when they have to happen, and you can not force it – or maybe it's just that things happen when you notice them.

Jojo Rabbit is released on October 18th.

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