Take-Two, GTA’s parent company, sends takedown notices to GTA modders • Eurogamer.net


Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of GTA developer Rockstar, is posting takedown notices for GTA map mods.

“Just to make sure that as many people as possible here know, Take-Two has dedicated himself to DMCAs this week, starting with GTAV map mods like GTA3 Portland, Vice City Overhaul, etc,” writes Ash_735 on the official GTA forums. (thanks, PC Gamer).

As Ash says, an agreement to help the publisher and the modding community coexist peacefully was made some time ago when Take-Two “tried to make GTA modding games illegal.”

“Naturally, it didn’t go well in 2017 and gamers and the gaming media attacked Rockstar and Take-Two for this decision,” they continue. “Now what has come out of this is that Rockstar Games has stepped up and spoken to Take-Two to highlight the importance of the modding community and, as such, withdrawals. [were] abandoned, but some “rules” were put in place.

“The original [agreement] was drafted in 2017 and can be summarized as “Do not carry any cards / vehicles / content from old GTA games or other video game series to RAGE” and “Stay online, absolutely do not touch online or whatever whether in connection with GTA Online ‘”.

Now, however, Ash is alleging that the deal has been “updated without notifying the community, several changes and words have been changed to pretty much add a warning that Take-Two can override all of this and well, Take-Two can. do whatever they want “. Apparently a new rule has also been added that, apart from not porting content from old games, modders also can’t create new content, which means there’s not much they can do anymore. .

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The problem becomes especially difficult when players discovered that there was no way to compare old and new versions of the agreement, as the page was apparently “left out of the Wayback Machine and other websites. ‘archiving so people can no longer verify what she was saying. “

As of yesterday, Take-Two has issued mass take down orders for a number of older GTA mods, including mods that have been featured on GTAF in the Modding section such as GTA: Underground, which was apparently scheduled to make the subject to a major update in the coming days, and the 15-year project, GTA: Liberty City. Even HD texture projects such as Vice Cry were also targeted.

From what the modding community can put together, it looks like Take-Two’s lawyers are scouring modding databases for terms like Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas, and more. And while no one is quite sure why Take-Two has embraced this now, some speculate that this is either something to do with the highly anticipated next update to the series, or perhaps a project. remaster or remake that will see older GTA games released on current generation systems.

The news has seen several prolific GTA modders denounce the company for what they see as a waiver of previous agreements, and are still reeling at the company’s efforts to remove the reverse engineered versions of GTA 3 and Vice City. .

ICYMI, Rockstar recently announced their next summer update for GTA Online.

The update, scheduled for July 20, features the Los Santos Tuners, an underground car encounter featuring “a gigantic shared social space” as well as Tuner-based missions and races. New races include the self-explanatory Street Race series, the Pursuit series, with small checkpoints for players to find their own routes, and Sprint, a point-to-point free-mode race.


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