Tales From The Borderlands returns to digital storefronts February 17


Tales protagonist Rhys (right) eventually appeared in Borderlands 3, but co-star Fiona is still MIA.

Tales protagonist Rhys (right) eventually appeared in Borderlands 3, but co-star Fiona is still MIA.
Screenshot: Telltale / Gearbox Games

During today Borderlands presentation, the folks at Gearbox revealed that the excellence of Telltale Games Tales of the Borderlands will be back in digital storefronts on Wednesday February 17th.

The first episode of Tales of the Borderlands, a player’s choice adventure game in the iconic Telltale style, first launched in late 2014, with additional chapters spanning through 2015. That’s long been considered the best Borderlands game and it might even be the best Telltale game, too.

Unfortunately, when Telltale Games went bankrupt in 2018, his library has disappeared from digital storefronts, making it the first time people will be able to get their hands on Tales of the Borderlands in almost three years. He joins The walking dead, The wolf among us, and Batman as the only modern adventure games in the Telltale catalog to be available digitally.

Tales of the Borderlands will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. It will also be backwards compatible on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S. The re-release includes all five chapters, but will no longer feature the stats pages at the end of each chapter showing how the playerbase as a whole made decisions.


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