Tales of the Borderlands return on sale for the first time since 2019


For the first time since 2019, Telltale Games’ Tales From the Borderlands series returns to stores on February 17.

Borderlands Gearbox series developer announced the news on Official Borderlands on Wednesday Twitter accountt.

Gearbox hasn’t confirmed which digital storefronts Tales will be returning to, but the game was previously released on Steam. Borderlands 3 has also been found on Steam and the Epic Games Store. Gearbox also didn’t provide pricing information.

Tales From the Borderlands was one of the many casualties of Telltale Games’ now infamous 2018 shutdown. After massive layoffs, many of the studio’s games were pulled from digital storefronts or, if they were in development (such as The Wolf Among Us 2), canceled. Tales From the Borderlands actually managed to escape the first round of Steam removals, but Valve and Good Old Games both pulled Tales from their platforms in mid-2019 for unexplained reasons.

Tales From the Borderlands was released on November 25, 2014 to praise its comedic storytelling and classic Telltale strengths. Set after Borderlands 2, Tales follows the adventures of two Hyperion employees and a con man in search of a mythical safe, sparking plenty of hilarious distractions along the way. It features voices from Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, Chris Hardwick, Ashley Johnson and Patrick Warburton.

A number of Telltale’s pre-Walking Dead catalogs remain unavailable on Steam, including Back to the Future and Game of Thrones.

Joseph Knoop is a writer / producer / brother for IGN.


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