Taliban commander accused of killing three US military soldiers


A the former Taliban military commander who was previously accused of kidnapping a New York Times reporter has been charged with new charges accusing him of a host of terrorism-related offenses, including helping to kill an American helicopter and for carrying out a deadly attack on a United States military convoy in Afghanistan which killed three United States Army soldiers.

Haji Najibullah, a Taliban leader who was arrested in Ukraine and extradited to the United States almost a year ago, has been indicted on 13 counts in the Southern District from New York on Thursday, indicting him with numerous crimes from 2007 to 2009, including commanding a Taliban insurgent attack that killed Staff Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Hilton, Sgt. 1st Class Joseph McKay, Sgt. Mark Palmateer and their Afghan interpreter in June 2008. The Taliban attack near Wardak province involved the use of IEDs, RPGs and automatic weapons.

The Taliban waged a two-decade insurgency in Afghanistan after the United States overthrew its regime, before returning to power in August after a chaotic and disastrous US troop withdrawal implemented by President Joe Biden.


Najibullah, who, according to the Justice Department, “commanded more than a thousand fighters” and reported to the senior leadership of the Taliban, was also indicted for his role in the downing of an American helicopter in October 2008 in Wardak province. time, this resulted in no deaths in the United States. Another attack by Najibullah’s infantry destroyed an Afghan border patrol outpost in September 2008.

The Taliban commander was indicted last year for allegedly kidnapping New York Times journalist David Rohde, Afghan journalist Tahir Ludin and their driver Asadullah Mangal outside Kabul in November 2008 as they searched for an interview with ‘a Taliban leader. Najibullah forced them to cross the Afghan border on foot to Pakistan. During their seven months in captivity, Najibullah forced Rohde to call his wife in New York City for help, and in one video, Rohde “was forced to beg for his life while a guard pointed a machine gun ” on his face. Rohde and Ludin escaped the Taliban compound in Pakistani tribal areas the following year, and Manga quickly escaped as well.

The Justice Department said that Najibullah is accused of providing material support for acts of terrorism resulting in death, murder of US nationals, destruction of a US military aircraft, conspiracy for the use of ‘weapons of mass destruction, hostage-taking, kidnapping and other crimes, and risk life. in prison.


US lawyer Audrey Strauss said Thursday that Najibullah “led a vicious band of Taliban insurgents who terrorized part of Afghanistan and attacked US troops” and said: “neither time nor distance can weaken our determination to hold terrorists accountable for their crimes and to bring justice to their victims.

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Key words: News, War in Afghanistan, Taliban, Ministry of Justice

Original author: Jerry dunleavy

Original location: Taliban commander accused of killing three US military soldiers


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