Taliban order workers in Afghan capital to stay at home, official says


A group of Afghan women holding up placards and their fists in protest in Afghanistan.
Women rally to claim their rights under the Taliban at a protest in Kabul, Afghanistan on Friday, September 3, 2021. AP Photo / Wali Sabawaoon
  • The Taliban ordered women workers in Kabul to stay at home, the Associated Press reported.

  • Kabul’s acting mayor, Hamdullah Namony, made the announcement on Sunday.

  • Namony said women whose jobs cannot be replaced by men are allowed to go to work.

  • Visit the Insider home page for more stories.

The Taliban have imposed new restrictions on women ordering employees in the Afghan capital to stay at home, reports said.

Kabul’s acting mayor, Hamdullah Namony, said women whose jobs cannot be replaced by men are allowed to go to work, such as those in public toilets, the Associated Press reported.

A final decision regarding the Kabul municipal service workers is currently pending and a salary would still be paid to them, Namony added, according to Hill.

The Taliban took control of Afghanistan last month, leaving thousands desperate to flee the country. Concerns were immediately raised about whether the militant group would tighten severe restrictions similar to those it had when it was in power in the 1990s. During this period, women were not allowed to go to school. school or work and accompanied a male parent when they left their home.

The Taliban have been more moderate and said they will respect women’s rights “with Islamic law”, but Afghan women remain skeptical and fearful. Just last week, the Taliban ordered boys to go back to school, but girls not, until they put in place a “safe transportation system”. The group allowed women to attend universities, but apart from their male counterparts and they must wear Islamic clothing.

Since the takeover, women have been protesting against the group for equal rights. Women activists protested on Sunday after the Taliban shut down Kabul’s ministry for women and replaced it with the ministry of virtue and vice.

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