10 spectacular mountain ranges in Africa


It is well known that Africa is one of the places, if not the most, geographically the most diverse in the world. It is therefore not surprising that it also contains some of the most interesting and unique mountain ranges and peaks.

For travelers, it's a bargain: whether it's hiking at the foot of the hills or ambitions similar to those of Everest, there is something for every type of explorer.

Here are 15 of the most spectacular mountain ranges in Africa; some are obvious and others less well known.

1) atlas mountains

Mountains of the atlas

Extending over 2,000 km from Western Sahara to Tunisia, passing through Morocco and Algeria, the Atlas is the longest unbroken chain of mountains in Africa and separates Africa from Africa. Atlantic of the Sahara. Widely populated by Berbers, forests, rivers and snow-capped peaks are waiting to be explored and to break your preconceived conception of Africa.

2) the Drakensberg mountains

Drakensberg Mountains

Extending in the east of South Africa and the tiny Lesotho, the Drakensberg Mountains have been enchanting travelers for centuries. With some of the most spectacular views of the continent, the Drakensberg Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. The unique flora and fauna of the world, unique peoples, ancient rock paintings and dozens of reasons to make it an essential part of your adventure in South Africa.

3) Rwenzori Mountains

Rwenzori Mountains

Also called the Mountains of the Moon, the Rwenzoris own some of the last glaciers of Equatorial Africa. Located in western Uganda, plant species range from tropical rain forest to alpine meadow until snow prevents any excessive growth. Go fast though, the glacier is shrinking because of climate change.

4) Nuba Mountains

Nuba Mountains

Located at the new border between Sudan and South Sudan, the Nuba Mountains have some of the oldest and most interesting tribes of Sudan. Only accessible on foot or by four-wheeled vehicle, the towns, villages and inhabitants of this beautiful region are the main attractions of the city. Try to catch some traditional Nuba wrestling competitions while you are here!

5) Virunga Mountains

Virunga Mountains

Straddling the borders of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, the Virunga are home to the last remaining populations of endangered mountain gorillas that many visitors roam for hours through the jungle. Mount Nyiragongo, DRC, has one of the largest lava lakes in the world.

6) Simien Mountains

Simian Mountains

As part of the Ethiopian highlands and also World Heritage listed, the Simien Mountains are teeming with wildlife, including dozens of birds, ibex, wolves and thousands of geladous baboons traveling in packs. Camping and hiking are the most popular ways to get closer and integrate with wildlife.

7) The Marrah Mountains

Marrah Mountains

These beautiful and ancient volcanic mountains dotted with crater lakes will probably not be visited soon, unfortunately, because they are in the heart of Darfur, a city with many conflicts in western Sudan. Let's hope that peace will soon return to the region and that everyone can once again enjoy the beauty of the Marrah.

8) The Tibesti Mountains

Mountains of Tibesti

Ancient Oases, Neolithic rock art, wandering camel groups and lunar landscape make the Tibesti Mountains, in northern Chad, among the most spectacular and inaccessible in Africa. Some groups of tourists visit them, but arrangements must be made for each circumstance due to the distance from the beach. An almost intact world, however, awaits those who make the trip.

9) Kilimanjaro


Although not technically a beach and rather a series of dormant volcano peaks, which list would be complete without the Kilimanjaro and its surrounding peaks? One of the most visited sites in Africa, most visitors spend a week trekking to the summit to be rewarded with views of the Serengeti and land on the glacier, which is rapidly global climate change. No trip to East Africa would be complete without at least a visit to the majesty of Kilimanjaro, which can also be done from the train crossing the Kenyan border on a clear day.

10) Massiff Tsaratanana

Tsaratanana Massiff

The Massiff Tsaratanana, in the north-east of Madagascar, is one of the least visited but no less impressive beaches. Sitting on nearly three kilometers, the landscape passes from lush valleys to volcanic peaks and, like the rest of the island, is home to plants and animals that are found nowhere else in the world.


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