25 Western deputies urge Uhuru to form independent commission to investigate sugar scandal ▷ Tuko.fr


– Leaders Presented a Petition to President Uhuru Kenyatta Requesting the Formation of an Independent Commission to Investigate the Sugar Scandal

– Sabatia MP Alfred Agoi said 25 MPs had approved the petition

– They disagreed Moses Wetangula, director of the National Super Alliance, said the committee members should pay the fees incurred during the sessions

– Mudavadi observed that an independent public commission would produce a report goal

A group of leaders from western Kenya, a sugarcane producing area, wants President Uhuru Kenyatta to form an independent commission to investigate the illegal entry of tons of toxic sugar in the country.

TUKO.co.ke includes 25 deputies from the region on a petition that they presented to Uhuru asking for his intervention on this subject

Send "NEWS" to 40227 to receive At the burial of ex-postmaster Francis Chahonyo in Vihiga district on Saturday, July 7, the leaders criticized a report of the parliamentary commissions of trade and commerce. agriculture on this subject. The leaders blasted the generated report under the leadership of MK Kieni Kanini Kega and his South Mandera counterpart, Aden Ali, saying that he had nothing to offer at a time when Kenyans were not going to be there. worried about knowledge of sugar and cartel security 25 Western MPs Urge Uhuru to Form Independent Commission to Investigate Sugar Scandal "title =" 25 MEPs Urge Uhuru to Form Independent Commission to Investigate Sugar Scandal “/>

Sabatia MP Alfred Agoi said he petitioned President Uhuru Kenyatta to form an independent commission. Photo: Alfred Agoi / Facebook.
Source: Facebook

"This report is a sham, a long and degrading blow for Kenyans' intelligence." The honorable members have not objectively investigated the subject and have uncovered individuals. Said Agoi, MP for Alfred Agoi,

Agoi said, along with 24 other legislators from western Kenya, a region hard hit by the sugar import scandal had presented a petition to the demanding president

ALSO READ: More than half of the illegal sugar tested had a high moisture content, toxic to humans – Health PS Tum

"We Got already presented the petition to the president and we are waiting for his positive response, 25 of us have joined our signatures because we were dissatisfied with the report of the parliament committee, "said Agoi.

Justin Muturi, president of the National Assembly also poured cold water on the report accusing the deputies in committees of going to bed with the cartels behind the importation of substandard sugar.

  25 Western deputies petition Uhuru to form u do independent commission to investigate sugar scandal MPs urge Uhuru to form independent commission to investigate sugar scandal

Musalia Mudavadi, director of the National Super Alliance, said an independent commission would question objectively the scandal. Photo: Musalia Mudavadi / Facebook
Source: Facebook

Bungoma Senator and National Super Alliance (NASA) Principal Moses Wetangula supported Agoi's sentiments

He invited the President of the National Assembly to increase the members of trade and agriculture.

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"The committee did a bad job that is unacceptable. Terribly led the Kenyans.At the place of questioning the suspect, they were busy taking selfies together.The president of NASA, Musalia Mudavadi, said that the issue of illegal importation of sugar had to be done. Subject of a public inquiry and all guilty persons were facing charges against them by law

"Report of Parliament's committee has nothing to offer . The president must form an independent commission that will objectively unravel the faces behind the scandal. Uhuru must do it if he wants to reach the priority of revitalizing Kenya's manufacturing industry that includes sugar millers, "said Mudavadi.

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