4 NC State Professors Appointed AAAS Members | NC State News


Close-up view of one of the braided wolves at Wolf Plaza on the NC State campus.

Four faculty members from North Carolina State University were elected members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  • Ilse C.F. IpsenProfessor of Mathematics, elected for outstanding contributions to numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra and services to the mathematical sciences profession.
  • C.T. (Tim) Kelley, Professor of Mathematics Drexel, elected for his distinguished fundamental and applied contributions to the fields of numerical analysis and optimization.
  • Jennifer Kuzma, Goodnight-North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Distinguished Social Scientist and Co-Director of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Society of the State of North Carolina, elected for outstanding translation work to bring the headquarters and society closer together, advance the anticipated governance of new technologies and contribute to methods for monitoring policy analysis.
  • Louis A. Martin-Vega, dean of the College of Engineering, elected for outstanding contributions to the fields of industrial engineering and systems, manufacturing, industrial innovation and engineering education, and for his unconditional support for the Progress of Hispanic professionals.

They are among the 416 scientists to be honored this year by AAAS, the world's largest scientific society and publisher of the journal Science.

Each year, the AAAS Board – the governing body of the company – elects members who have "demonstrated outstanding scientific or social efforts to advance science or its applications." Members are appointed by their peers and undergo a thorough review process.

NC State Fellows will be recognized at the AAAS annual meeting in Washington, DC, in February.

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