5 times the View co-hosts meet up with their guests


  Whoopi Goldberg, Jeanine Piro, The View

ABC / Heidi Gutman / Fred Lee

It's time to take some time to enjoy the sight and the quarrels.

Whoopi Goldberg and Judge Jeanine Pirro had a tense conversation on and off camera.

It all began Thursday morning when the author of Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The case against the anti-Trump conspiracy appeared on the show to promote his book. After Jeanine accused Whoopi of having the "Trump Derangement Syndrome", things warmed up a bit.

"She came out, she could have passed me, she did not need to stop but she stopped" I did more for the victims than you did will never do it! "Whoopi recalled the The View this morning." Then I told him a few words of choice that I can not repeat, yes, I said it, I l? I said. "

The passionate confrontation made us think of other times when the guests did not gel of The sight . Take a look to a few pairs that we will not forget from so early.

Kathy Griffin vs. Elisabeth Hasselbeck : Go back in 2010 when the comedian appeared in the daytime talk show.When the co-host Sherri Shepherd asked a question, Elizabeth was beginning to visibly yawn. "I have a debate in the head if I feed your curious fire," shared the co-host. "Everything is cool." The viewers, however, thought the opposite. Kathy would point out in subsequent interviews that she's not a co-host fan.

NeNe Leakes Against All People : When the Star Real Housewives of Atlanta first appeared on Back in November 2015, many thought that it would not be the same. was just a typical interview. But when she appears on Watch What Happens Live days later, NeNe made it clear that she did not feel welcome. "I did not see any of these ladies on the panel until I walked on the panel and I had the impression that they were not Nice with me … Honestly, honestly, they were not nice, I felt like, "she explained to Andy Cohen . "[They] were not nice, they did not have good manners, I know that they are all tired: their hairstyles are tired, their makeup is tired."

Whoopi was caught off guard by Nene's thoughts. Andy said, "Well, then, you know, come back another day and try again, I do not know what to say."

Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar vs. Bill O 'Reilly : It's still a wild ride when former co-host Fox News appears on the show. But during one visit, two of the co-hosts decided to move away completely after they did not agree with the political views of their guests about who caused them the terrorist attacks of 11 September. "I do not want to sit here now," Joy shared. "I am outraged by this statement." Barbara Walters later shared that she wanted the ladies to stay on the couch to have a civil conversation.

Joy Behar vs. Omarosa Manigault : Some may call it playful banter. Others would call complete shade. Whatever the case may be, the former candidate Apprentice appeared on The View to explain her position in the president's cabinet Donald Trump ]. Pointing his fiancé in the audience, Omarosa told Joy: "It brings me such joy and I hope that you, someday, will find that kind of joy, Joy, in your life." When co-host Sunny Hostin responded, "When they go low, we go high," Joy handled the situation with humor. "Oh, do you like it," she said. "And I feel like I can go up now."

Whoopi Goldberg vs. Kate Gosselin : While serving as a guest co-host, the reality star TLC answered some tough questions about her ex Jon Gosselin and their guard battle. In fact, many spectators were riveted when Whoopi began questioning some of Kate's actions. "When you go into custody with someone, you have your time and your time and you're not supposed to walk on it," Whoopi explained. "And I'm sorry that's the law, and you could have gone to jail! When Joy lightened the atmosphere with some jokes, it was time to go broke. "I can not even handle the rest," said Whoopi before the commercials began

The View airs on weekday mornings at 11 am ET / 10 am CT and PT only on ABC. ] var fbstarttime = new Date ();
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