Cheaper, smaller Microsoft Surface tablet went through US regulators


As detected for the first time by the German publication WinFuture Microsoft transferred a "portable computing device" to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in the United States, probably a new Surface tablet . ] Microsoft was rumored to develop a Surface Budget Tablet with a 10-inch screen and USB-C for $ 400, aimed at attacking the iPad market with its more design portable and lightweight.

Meanwhile, the next real version of its Pro line, tentatively titled Microsoft Surface Pro 5, was rumored to land in mid-2019, suggesting that the lightweight model mentioned Above is indeed what we will see first.

What we must use

The FCC deposit refers to the product Model 1824 and does not mention any updates or modifications to an existing certified device, which excludes the possibility of a simple update or reconfiguration of existing Surface tablets, and cements this as a new hardware product.

In the documents, there is a pile never encountered by the same manufacturers who handled the last generation. Pro batteries suggesting a new product in the surface line.

There is also talk of a 24W power supply – two-thirds of the power of the existing 36W power supply for the Surface Pro – which strongly suggests that it's about 39, a lighter and more economical tablet.

Lightweight tablet soon available

this "portable computing device" (a term that Microsoft used in its controller applications to describe the Surface line) could sport an Intel processor rather than the processor Qualcomm ARM we previously believed a less expensive Surface Model WinFuture notes that the application mentions a discrete Bluetooth Wi-Fi chipset manufactured by Qualcomm, a component that would otherwise be integrated into the processor if it were to be manufactured by the same company.

are not positive when this new surface will emerge, an FCC listing usually implies that the product will be announced soon after, and a confidentiality agreement included t raises on Dec. 28 suggests that we will definitely see an announcement before the end of the year.

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