Mini-reshuffle in the police to solve the problem of road accidents


Police spokesman Barnabas Mwakalukwa said in a statement that the changes were aimed at bolstering police efforts to reduce the number of reckless car accidents that have recently increased.

Police Commissioner (SACP) Deusdedit Nsimeki – who was stationed at the investigation department of the Dar es Salaam police headquarters – was appointed commander of the Simiyu Regional Police.

CPP Ulrich Matei (who also holds the rank of SACP) was transferred to Mbeya, replacing Mussa Athuman Taibu who was returned to the Police Headquarters in Dar es Salaam

Tabora RPC Wilbroad Mutafungwa Fulfills the post left by Matei to Morogoro, while Emmanuel Jackson Nley from the police headquarters takes over in Tabora. Stanley Kulyamo, who served as the Geita Area Officer, was appointed to head the special task force of the police at the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Agency. President Magufuli on Monday expressed disappointment over what he called the Interior Ministry's inability to oversee the operations of the traffic police department after swearing in on Monday. newly appointed ministers, vice-ministers and permanent secretaries.

He said that although there are traffic laws and regulations in place, the number of road accidents has increased throughout the country, careless driving being the only way to get around the country. one of the main factors.

Magufuli issued a directive on the spot to the new Minister of Home Affairs, Kangi Lugola, to take firm measures to reduce the number of road accidents in the country.

According to Magufuli, outgoing minister Mwigulu Nchemba could not even take punitive action against regional traffic officers (RTO) or regional police commanders in areas where bad road accidents occur.

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