Tanzania: CSOs insist for more investments in Tanzanian agriculture


Dar es Salaam – The umbrella organization of civil society organizations (CSOs) has called for more funds to be invested in agriculture since the sector is a major sector They also want the government to ensure that it finances or seeks funds for climate change adaptation, in order to mitigate the negative effects of the trend of agricultural production.

Jovina Nawenzake, Planning and Policy Officer for Action Aid Tanzania, said on Wednesday, July 4, that all of this would be possible if the government cooperated and made the availability of resources possible. She said that some of the strategies to be used include the improvement of agricultural marketing infrastructure, improving the delivery of extension services, improving the quality of the agricultural products and services. infrastructure and implementation in Action Aid, Ansaf, CC Forum, Oxfam, Policy Forum and Tanzania Networking Program on Gender (TGNP).

However, she said the organization's stakeholders We are not asking the government to improve investments in agriculture, especially small farms that affect women and men. young people, "We must realize that agriculture can not be separated from the economic development of the country," notes Mr. Joseph Nyamboha of Ansaf

On his side, Mr. Deogratias Temba of TGNP said that the government must also ensure that intermediaries, who exploit farmers, are controlled.

He added that value added to agricultural products would also encourage farmers to improve their productivity.

Ephrasia Shayo, CC Forum official She said that research in the Singida region revealed that many farmers were already discouraged and were abandoning agriculture for other economic activities.

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