Lions kill suspected rhinoceros poachers in South Africa


JOHANNESBURG – A group of poachers were defeated by a pride of lions after bursting into a South African game reserve to hunt down and slaughter a herd of rhinos.

At least three men made their way to the Sibuya Game Reserve in the early morning hours on Monday. They were "armed, among other things, with a high-powered rifle with a muffler, an ax, cutting pliers and food for several days," according to a press release.

"All the features of a band wanting to kill rhinos and take off their horns."

An anti-poacher dog alerted his master at around 4:30 am Monday, but the driver dismissed concerns. At the same time, he had heard a rumor coming from the lions, so he suspected that it was what had caused a reaction of the dog

"However, it now seems that the dog was alerted by something of 39. Unusual. "Lions," says Fox.

Field guides on a Tuesday night safari reported that they had discovered human remains as well as other objects "in the immediate vicinity of lions. "

When he arrives on the scene, Fox said he discovered the rifle, the gloves, the cutting pliers and the remains of a backpack with food and water [19659002] "The poachers were clearly in a pride of six lions and some, if not all, had been" The investigators could not examine the scene Tuesday night and were forced to wait for the day. says that he made sure that the reserve veterinarian "let go of all the pride of the lions" so that The police, forensic teams and the anti-poaching unit search the area for clues



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