Eliot Engel is doing well on BDS | The Riverdale Press


To the Editor:

(re: "Why Oppose BDS", June 21)

Eliot Engel is our representative, and I write in response to the letter where Samuel Goldman claims that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement "is not against the existence of Israel."

He naively supports a movement whose leader, Omar Barghouti, calls for a national state to replace Israel, to include the entire region of the river at sea. He insists that "the creation of a state Jewish was a crime "and he is against" the very idea of ​​a Jewish state ".

The radical opposition of Barghouti to the state of Israel is fueling the BDS movement.

• There is no apartheid in Israel, since all minorities have equal access to all aspects of Israeli society.

• Israel did not kill "unarmed Palestinians". to enter Israel and kill Israeli civilians, "tear their hearts". The Israel Defense Forces must protect the Israelis.

• Israel provides food in Gaza, etc. We stood there watching the trucks of Israel enter Gaza. The Jews paid dearly for the land and supplied the territories with water

• Goldman declares the lies and propaganda of BDS

Thank you, Congressman Engel, for your thoughtful support of the right of Israel to prosper and exist, in a neighborhood that has forced six wars and years of endless terrorism, including the Arab refusal to negotiate peace, and the rejection of many offers of a state.

Thank you, Mr. Engel, for your opposition to an anti-Semitic movement whose goal is the destruction of Israel

Betty Berenson

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