Ruto update on work with Wetangula and other NASA leaders – Politics –



Vice President William Ruto revealed that NASA principal Moses Wetangula and a host of other politicians are about to join Jubilee and unleash the opposition [19659003]. West Kenya revealed that several leaders were heading to the Jubilee in pursuit of national unity and development.

"Mimi naona akina Weta (Moses Wetangula) hawako mbali … Wakikuja tufanye kazi pamoja iko makosa? Hapo hakuna makosa. I can see Wetangula and others are not far away …. Are there any there a problem they come to work with us? There is no problem with that, "Ruto said.

The DP also revealed that Bungoma County Representative Catherine Wambilianga was about to join the Jubilee team


He urged the region to support the Jubilee Administration not only in the development, but also in the 2022 ballot.

MP Ikolomani Benard Shinali who was present assured the voting DP Consolidated the region if it did a good job Come 2022.

"2022 ukifanya kazi vizuri, sisi sote bila kugawana tuko pamoja na wewe. (If you do a good job in 2022, we will all be with you without no division) "Shinali said

The leaders of Western Kenya who had chosen to join the Jubilee camp, arguing that others wishing to join Jubilee should not be prevented from doing so.

He reiterated that the government will not allow unscrupulous businessmen and investors Jasubant Rai exchange jokes with MPs who were probing the presence of illegal sugar in the country (Courtesy)

"We do not want investors who bring subs We will do everything in our power to ensure that quality standards are met every time goods are brought into the country ", said Mr. Ruto

. accompanied by MPs MWambu Mabonga (Bumula) John Weluke (Sirisia) Benjamin Washiali (East Mumias) Didmus Barasa (Kimilili) Ayub Savula (Lugari), Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka and Bungoma County Women's Representative Catherine Wambilianga [19659014] / * <! ] fbStatUrls = [];
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