Tanzania: An Hanang officer in a claim against an attack


Katesh – A member of the Hanang District Council was arrested for an alleged brutal assault on a 19-year-old Katesh resident, during which he was severely burned. Mr. Nicodemus Angolwisye Johnson pleaded "not guilty". when he appeared before Hanang District Magistrate Amani Petro Shao last week in a case that attracted many residents of Katesh Township. It was alleged that the accused made rain and other physical assaults using raw instruments and an electric iron on Christopher Edward Bayanga aka Shukuru on May 28 after finding him at home. Mr. Bayanga, who completed Form IV only last year and now involved in entrepreneurial tasks, claimed that the day he attacked, he went to repair a cell phone from the girl 's daughter. accused. around mid-day to find his daughter, Kisa, with the aforementioned visitor. According to the indictment, the head of procurement, currently stationed at Nangwa Girls Secondary School, attacked both, but then settled on Mr. Bayanga

who was a classmate of his daughter. In addition to kicks and beatings, it is said that the accused undressed him and used a flamboyant electric iron used to squeeze clothes to burn him. He suffered severe burns on various parts of his body.

Christopher was reportedly saved by police who rushed to the scene after a distress call by neighbors. He was taken to the hospital while the suspect was taken to the Katesh Police Station

. The accused denied the charge and was released on bail. The case is to be heard July 25

At the end of the hearing, the relatives of the victim waved a red flag, alleging signs of conspiracy aimed at covering the "police officer". incident to protect the suspect.

They allege that it took them over a month for the case to go to trial

. The accused also allegedly made unverified allegations that his girl allegedly raped on the day of the commission of the assault charges

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