Let's get to work with our shared blueprint


The appeal was launched during the regular TPSF breakfast in Dar es Salaam that focused on the implementation of the plan, the fruit of a thorough consultation process involving various governmental and private entities as well as the World Bank.

It is supposed to see the government initiate amendments to various laws including those covering the Value Added Tax (VAT), indicative prices for imports, immigration and labor, social security and management environmental, among others, with a view to attracting More and more private sector investment in key sectors of the national economy

Speaking during the forum, the executive director of TPSF, Godfrey Simbeye said the plan was essential for advocates of a truly conducive business environment.

Private sector stakeholders have long advocated revising and harmonizing a multitude of "what they call counterproductive, multiple, duplicative" As a private sector, we need remain united by ensuring we participate collectively in all meetings related to the implementation of the Master Plan, so that we may He called the TPSF members to start organizing their own meetings in their specific business areas and to make their collective contributions to the TPSF conferences on the issue.

Recalling that little will probably happen to improve the business environment, unless working together, Simbeye told attendees:

"Effective implementation of the plan will undoubtedly Tanzania more competitive in the business world and attracting more national and international commercial investors.

He explained that the plan was approved by the cabinet in May of this year, but also noted: "Although we currently have the master plan in our hands, there is still no plan. Action "

" We are appealing to the government to present its plan of action which will guide us all in the implementation of the master plan, as well as in the priority areas ", said the general manager of TPSF.

He also suggested that the government could and should involve the private sector in the development of a prioritized plan of action including rigorous monitoring, reporting and reporting mechanisms. and accountability.

Among other things, the Blueprint requires that regulatory impact assessments be undertaken to promulgate or modify policies, laws and regulations that affect businesses to avoid adverse effects. unintentional adverse effects and to ensure a reasonable degree of predictability. In his presentation on the best way for the private sector to catalyze the implementation of the plan, Dr. Donath Olomi of IMED said that an effective implementation would lead to minimal or no duplication of regulators, Regulations, Process and

Consistency between regulators and regulators will also strengthen the capacity of the public and private sectors and lead to business competitiveness, says Dr. Olomi.

He also notes that while the plan looks promising, too little attention is given to its order of priority since there is no plan of action or framework yet. # 39; action.


Timothy Mmbaga, director of policy at the Agriculture Council of Tanzania (ACT), stressed that the plan of action must be accompanied by changes in policies.

The master plan was prepared last year in close collaboration between government and private sector representatives.

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