Tanzania: Correcting Water Leaks, Mbarawa Order Dawasco


The government ordered DAWASCO's experts to quickly repair water leaks in the Dar es Salaam and coastal areas in order to save the government from big losses.

Water and Irrigation Professor Makame Mbarawa issued the order during his visit to the Water Projects of the Dar es Salaam Water and Sanitation Authority (DAWASA) and major renovations to the Ruvu and Mlandizi upper and lower water treatment plants in the Coast region. Despite the government's efforts to combat water problems in the Dar es Salaam and coastal areas by DAWASA and DAWASCO, 44% of the 504 million liters of water produced daily from various sources are lost in the transmission process. "The government has lost a lot of money because of water leaks, it is high time that our DAWASA and DAWASCO water experts solve the problem professionally as a solution," he added.

DAWASA Acting Director General, Dr Suphiani Masasi, said that the authority will work hand in hand with DAWASCO to resolve any water issues. 19659007] According to DAWASCO, the water leaks were earlier at 57% but they dropped to 44% and further efforts are made to see the leaks fall to 30% by 2020.

During this time, Professor Mbarawa congratulated appointment of the former chief of the Defense Forces, General Davis Mwamunyange, to the presidency of the board of DAWASA

He expressed his optimism that the appointment General Mwamunyange will revolutionize the authority of water, as residents of the Dar es Salaam and coastal areas have access to clean and safe water.

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