Thanos subreddit has banned half of its members from honoring 'Infinity War'.


Warning: Spoilers for "Avengers: Infinity War" ahead

Like the villain "Avengers: Infinity War" itself, the Thanos subreddit r / ThanosDidNothingWrong was looking for a perfect balance among its more than 700,000 members, against 200,000 subscribers it was last week.

The online community began banning more than 300,000 of its members at 5:00 pm PST Monday, in a purge that was actually scheduled weeks in advance – a purge that was indeed launched by its own members, who encouraged to pick in the honor of their hero, Thanos.

The joke among the members was that if r / ThanosDidNothingWrong really embraced what Thanos meant, he would seek balance by banning half of their own number. To this end, the moderator of The-Jedi-Apprentice Group said that Reddit's administrators have approved the ban on randomly selecting half of the community's subscribers.

The members of the group spent the next weeks anticipating the so-called "Snappening", so named because of the break with which Thanos ends half of life in the universe at the end of the movie.

The "Snap" itself was broadcast live on Amazon's Twitch, Reddit's engineers broadcasting to more than 50,000 viewers, activating a custom tool that would ban hundreds of thousands of r / ThanosDidNothingWrong members , one by one. It took hours to complete, but the users broke down by the hundreds.

Screen Capture / Twitch

People are not crazy about it. In fact, most r / ThanosDidNothingWrong members wanted to make Thanos proud by being banned in the name of balance: "(つ ◕_ ◕) つ DONATE BAN (つ ◕_ ◕) つ" was a refrain running on Reddit, in the weeks leading up to the event.

If they were transformed into figurative dust, users were asked to subscribe to the subreddit "r / inthesoulstone". It already had more than 29,000 subscribers Monday afternoon before the "Thanos jump". This is a reference to a common fan theory that all those who died at the end of the "Infinite War" currently reside in the soulstone of Thanos.

The good news is that Thanos seemed proud – or at least, the actor who had played it in "Infinity War". Joe Russo, co-director of the video, posted a video Sunday on actor Josh Brolin saying "let's go, users of Reddit" and snapping their fingers. The Russo brothers themselves tweeted, too, that they both "slaughtered" themselves.

While the July 9 date for "Snappening" was set two weeks ago, users did not know exactly when it would happen. And The-Jedi-Apprentice warned users that it would take a lot of work on the Reddit side because no one had ever asked for a tool to ban so many people at once, and at random.

The band members were very excited, but also very impatient – all the more so as the day went on without even a wink. " If the slam does not occur within 15min I am legally allowed to report r / thanosdidnothingwrong to play with my emotions for 24 hours," said one user earlier on the big day.

"Manually balance this sh– by unsubscribing ourselves! It takes forever!" another said.

Users even went directly to The-Jedi-Apprentice with their distress.

"You've built the hype for the last 9 days and now you've been teasing the ban all day and people are starting to lose interest and you say you did not know that this would be a huge deal? " said a user. Another said, "Petition for the Jedi-The-Jedi apprentice to lose half of his karma when he shoved us out of the ban."

Fortunately, the ban finally took place, and everything was fine in the universe. By Tuesday afternoon, there were still nearly 600,000 subscribers because users must unsubscribe if they are prohibited.

The -Jedi-Apprentice announced Tuesday that he would "resign" and follow "in the footsteps of Thanos".

"The mission is over, and the balance has been restored," wrote the mod. "I'm going back to the life I had before that whole thing started, so that, as Thanos said in Infinity War, I could" watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. "

How much did it cost? All.

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