When is "Season of the Maid" Season 3? There is still 200 years of Gilead's history to explore


Fans of The Handmaid's Tale had a dark year, both in the entertainment world and in the way the real world has strangely reflected some of the presumptuous screenplays of the show . But even if the show becomes harder to watch, it remains one of the most vital elements of critical and empowering "entertainment" nowadays and television like this is more important than ever. With this in mind, when is The Tale Handmaid's Season 3?

Fortunately, fans can tune in to the finale of season 2, "The Word," on July 11 without stress – or without additional stress, anyway – that there will be unanswered questions about the fate of June. Hulu officially renewed The Handmaid's Tale for season 3 after the current second season doubled the ratings of the premiere, according to The Hollywood Reporter. According to The Los Angeles Times, the show also won eight Emmys, two Golden Globes, and a Peabody Award, making it a real "hit", though the subject may be painful.

Basically, the show returns definitively, and probably about the same time of the previous season. The two Seasons 1 and 2 were created exactly at the same time of the year: April 26 and April 25 respectively, which means that it is reasonable to assume that Season 3 will also be broadcast last week. Wednesday of April of next year. to be exact. Of course, things can still delay production – the actors' schedules, an increase in the order of episodes, a longer period of post-production – but fans can expect to return to Gilead, reluctantly, next spring.

Of course, the nagging question about the minds of most viewers, especially for fans of the book, is probably something like: How many stories is there to tell? Already, Season 2 was expanding well beyond the late cliffhanger of Margaret Atwood's 1985 dystopian novel. Now that this ambiguous end has been resolved and the June pregnancy has been completed, what more do we need to know about Gilead? It becomes more and more difficult to watch.

Bruce Handmaid's showrunner Tale insists that there is still a lot of gas in his series. "People are talking about how we are beyond the book, but we are not really," he said The Hollywood Reporter in an interview last January. "The book begins, then jumps 200 years with an academic discussion at the end, about what happened in those 200 years ago.It may be dealt with in a plan, but it's still there in the novel Margaret's novel, we cover just a territory that she has covered quickly, a little more slowly, "Miller added.

Does this mean that during his run, [19459004TheHandmaid'sTale will eventually fill 200 years of Gilead's history mentioned in passing in the epilogue of the novel? Because it's a lot to handle. And more importantly again, how long would it take?


Miller added in the same interview THR "I've been roughing him up about 10 seasons when I was working on it, I see a world beyond [the current one]. an episode of the Nuremberg trials after the falls of Galaad: there are many worlds that you think of: I'd love this season – Seasons 8, 9 or 10, where everything has changed so much.

At the moment, Miller is concentrating It is only telling the story of June, but there remains a question about the duration of his story . Miller said in the same interview, "My bow is still very arc of the novel, which is the arc of this woman's experience at Gilead right now, and her memories that paint this image of what it was and what the experience of this world was like. "But if June's story is just a" bow ", and that there could theoretically be there to have ten seasons, then it could even happen a day when The tale of the servant continues but not June

ourselves, however. At the moment, fans are still looking forward to season 3. But it's comforting to know that Gilead's end is possible. One day, at least.

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