A woman from Aberdeen climbs Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for animal charity


A woman from Aberdeen prepares to climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for the Scottish SPCA

Kim Leil, whose family has hosted a number of pet-friendly rescue, will make the trip to Tanzania in December.

She will then attempt to climb 5,895m (19,340 feet) up to the top of the dormant volcano, which usually takes between five and nine days.

And this is not the first time that the animal lover confesses

In the past, Kim completed the Kilt Walk, the Forth Road Bridge 5K and rappelled down the Falkirk Wheel.

Kim Leil after finishing his recall to the Falkirk Wheel

Kim said, "Animals love unconditionally and I think growing up with that has really shaped what I am as a person."

"My family has adopted a number of rescue and fidelity charity dogs.Maltraited me so amazed I really wanted to do something to help animals in Scotland.

" Although this is a difficult climb , I am looking forward to experiencing the overall experience right now. "

" I have never done anything like this before. I have never been to Africa before, so it will be totally new to me! I can not wait to discover a different culture and (if I arrive at the top) see breathtaking views! "

Sharon Comrie, Scottish superintendent of the SPCA said:" It's such an incredible challenge to take up and we are extremely grateful to Kim for his hard work and dedication to the cause.

"Kim regularly participates in various fundraisers, including the Kilt Walk, the Forth Road Bridge 5K and the Falkirk Wheel recall

. "Every step taken will help raise funds for abused, abandoned and injured animals all over Scotland and hope that memories will stay with Kim forever." We rely solely on the generosity of the public to help us continue to save and rehabilitate animals across Scotland and events like these are really helping us save lives. "

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