Tanzania: The child marriage agenda should not be forgotten


As the country advocates for an industrialized economy, I believe that the efforts that have been made in favor of this program should also be aimed at combating child marriages.

It is commendable to deploy a lot of effort and resources. used up to now to trumpet the directive of President John Magufuli aimed at advancing the country through the installation of industries, but I believe that if the same effort is directed towards the end of the marriages d & # 39; In Tanzania, the same success will be recorded.

Child marriage is a truly global problem that transcends countries, cultures, religions and ethnicities. Married children can be found not only in Tanzania but in all parts of the world, from the Middle East to Latin America, from South Asia to Europe.

According to statistics from Amref Africa, if there is no reduction in child marriage, the total number of women married as children will reach 1.2 billion by 2050.

At its heart, child marriage is rooted in gender inequality and the belief that girls and women are somehow inferior to boys and men

. It is a complex problem and it is poverty, lack of education, cultural practices and insecurity.

In many communities where child marriage is practiced, girls are less valued than boys – they are considered a marriage. Your daughter's marriage at a young age can be seen as a way to relieve economic hardship. transferring this "burden" to her husband's family.

Child marriage is also guided by patriarchal values ​​and the desire to control the female sex For example, how should a girl behave, how to dress, who should be allowed to see, to marry etc.

Families closely monitor the sexuality and virginity of their daughters to protect the family's honor. Girls who have sex or become pregnant outside of marriage are ashamed of dishonouring their family.

Today, we have a unique opportunity to act on this momentum and accelerate our efforts to change the lives of girls and young women around the world.

Ending child marriage requires work in all sectors and at all levels, and as we raise our voices towards an industrialized economy, we need to know that we need to understand the complex drivers of the practice in different contexts and adapt our interventions accordingly.

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