Maria Ramos considers Absa rebranding as an opportunity to increase her market share


CEO Maria Ramos is determined to use the repositioning of Barclays Africa Group as a stepping stone to regain market share.

The group's market share has been decimated in its traditional stronghold of retail and business banking in recent years, losing nearly three million customers since 2013.

It also lost its dominance in the extension of home loans, where he was surpassed by the likes of Standard Bank.

Ramos explained that some of the losses on the market "We did not want to actively participate in personal loans at a time when we felt that the economy was weak, and where we had lost market share in the market Mortgage, we made the decision to clean our book Ramos wants to double the share of the banking income group on the continent from 6% to 12%.

Ramos wants to double the share of the banking income group on the continent. spe SA's retail and business bank and the group's investment banking and investment franchise were particularly cited to improve the situation.

To change perspective on these markets, It is essential to change the culture of the organization, and to this end, the group has embarked on an extensive consultation process, with more than 30,000 of the group's 41,000 employees engaged in change projects. [19659002] "We want a culture of entrepreneurship and a culture of care"

This will be fundamental to building a culture of ownership and a culture of performance that will allow the group to begin to regain market share. market in these key segments.

"We need to restore leadership in our businesses, and we will regain our market share by building a scalable, digitally driven business to do that."

The bank hopes to add the finishing touches to its restructuring by completing key appointments at the retail banking business as well as finding a leader to lead its business banking division.

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