94% of Tanzanians connected to mobile phone services


According to Atashasta Nditiye, Deputy Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications, efforts are currently being made at the state level to reach the remaining six percent, or "the equivalent of four millions of people".

He spoke at a seminar for members of the parliamentary committee on infrastructure organized by the Government's Universal Communications Service Access Fund (UCSAF).

Nditiye also noted that more than 70% of the country's population are still unable to access Internet services. In 2015, 17.3 million people (34%) were connected to Internet services, he added.

The deputy minister said the government created the fund to provide communications services where the mobile companies are not ready to invest.

He said that UCSAF was working to improve Internet services in public schools.

Internet services in public schools will partially address the challenges of teacher shortages as students learn online, he said.

The chairman of the parliamentary committee, Moshi Kakoso, noted that at least 500 neighborhoods have received communication services through UCSAF.

Kakoso said the fund is currently working with the Ministry of Health to establish an online system that will enable specialized doctors and radiologists at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) to treat patients in the regions. from the upcountry. Chief Executive Officer Eng. Peter Ulanga, the plan is to bring communication services to at least 100 neighborhoods in various regions during this fiscal year.

About 500 teachers will also be trained in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and 700 computers will be distributed in public schools, explains Eng Ulanga.

He explains that poor communication services in some rural areas are unrealistic. statistics that the operational capacity of the installed infrastructure does not match the number of users.

Charles Kitwanga, a member of the Misungwi Committee (CCM), urged the fund to launch its own research to identify potential areas that still remain unknown Internet services, instead of relying on National Office data Statistics (SNB).

UCSAF was created to promote universal access to information and communication technology services in Tanzania.

It is also responsible for enabling the accessibility and participation of communications operators in the provision of communication services with a view to promoting the socio-economic development of the rural and urban population.

Halotel, Tigo, Zantel, Vodacom and the telecommunications company Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL).

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