Gugu Zulu's memory will live through the trees in Tanzania


Letshego Zulu is currently in Tanzania to honor the memory of her late husband Gugu, before the second anniversary of her death

Teaming up with the Kilimanjaro project and with his mother and stepmother at his side, Letshego will plant trees along the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro tomorrow to preserve the race car driver's legacy. [19659003"LesarbressontdeshéritagesvivantscontrairementauxfleursquiflétrissentetmeurentetsontjetéesLesarbresquisontnourrisetpeuventpousserpourfournirdesfruitsdel'ombredel'eaudelanourritureauxcommunautésdanslesquellesilspoussentLesarbressontundonquicontinueàdonneretilssontdesrappelsdelavie"ditLetshego

READ MORE: Letshego talks about his financial difficulties after the death of Gugu Zulu

"Gugu has touched so many lives when he was alive She added that & A nursery would also be set up in Marangu, a town in the Kilimanjaro region, named Zulu, which will continue to produce trees for decades to come.

Zulu died during an ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in 2016 during a Trek4Mandela expedition to raise funds for sanitary napkins for schoolgirls

Last year, the mother of one climbed the mountain in l. honor of Zulu., she says that She came to the end of her loss and emerged from a dark place in a lighter and festive phase.

READ MORE: Letshego Zulu prepares for Kilimanjaro summit in honor of Gugu

"I try to celebrate his life I am no longer in mourning or sad I choose to live my life by celebrating her life and doing things in her memory to make memories for our daughter, "she said in a report IOL .in the future, I can always come back with my grandchildren to revisit the trees planted in their grandfather's honor, so it's no longer a legacy. "

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