Kamene Goro: My husband dropped me via a WhatsApp call


  Radio host NRG Kamene Goro. PHOTO | COURTESY Radio presenter NRG Kamene Goro. PHOTO | CROWNING


Radio host NRG Kamene Goro told her listeners Thursday morning how she was thrown by her ex-husband through a Whatsapp call.

The subject of the discussion on the NRB Breakfast Club was the reason why weddings never seem to work these days.

Kamene, a former news anchorman from Ebru TV, was telling how she was at the French Embassy while waiting for her visa to attend the Open de France. , who was in South Africa at the time, called her and told her that it was not working.

"This man who was twice my age and I was 25 years old called me on WhatsApp and told me that it was not working between us two." was that he called me on WhatsApp, a free call service, "recounted Kamene


She added that she was found in a better place now, adding that there is a lot of "He's old now and I'm still young," she said without question.

Kamene's pre-wedding took place in Arusha, Tanzania, in March 2016. The main wedding was to take place last year in Genoa, Italy, but this never happened.

A year later, she returned to Kenya and began erasing her photos on the social networks of her ex-South African husband.

She also started sending enigmatic messages on social networks about her love life.

In June, Kamene, soon to turn 26, says she's single and proud.

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