McLaren will launch 18 new cars and become 100% hybrid by 2025


In 2016, McLaren's CEO, Mike Flewitt, promised that half of his cars would be hybrids by 2022 as part of a blueprint. electrification called Track22. Now, this plan extends a little further and promises more electrification .

McLaren adjusted his Track22 plan to expand until 2025. Now called Track25 (fitting), the automaker claims his sports car and his supercar the lineups will be from 100 percent by 2025, up from 50% by 2022. This is huge, and this shows that McLaren is really, really devoted to this idea.

McLaren also confirmed that she would continue to focus on midengine cars, not that we were worried about this change.


McLaren cars are definitely at home on the track, so the company wants to make sure its electrified cars can actually run the track. To this end, McLaren said that she was working on developing a "lighter, super-fast, and high-powered battery system" that should allow more than 30 minutes of track usage.

So where will this electrification end? In a whole lot of new cars, it's there. McLaren says it will produce 18 new cars by 2025, which will continue to be handcrafted at the McLaren facilities in Woking, England. However, these are not 18 new models it's a mix of new models and derivatives, like the 570S and the 570GT.

A specific model that McLaren called, however, was his P1 hypercar from 2013. The company confirmed that it will create a successor to this hyper-hybrid, though it's not the same. it offers no detail beyond this

The next seven years will be extremely important to McLaren. If this continues with its Track25 plan as a whole, it may well have the most advanced range of supercars in the entire automotive industry. Hopefully.

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