Tanzania threatens pollsters that Magufuli's popularity has dropped by 41%


The Tanzanian government gave a survey that published an opinion poll showing that the popularity of President John Magufuli is decreasing, seven days to explain why "appropriate measures should not be taken against them." [19659002] Twaweza researchers said last week President Magufuli's approval rate has dropped 41% since he came to power in 2016.

In his first year in office, Magufuli recorded a rate of 96% approval record, largely motivated by the crackdown on corruption and lax officials

The Twaweza survey, titled "Speaking Truth To Power", which collected the opinions of 1,241 respondents from mainland Tanzania using mobile phones, indicates that popularity, which fell to 71% in 2017, has been reduced to 55%. without authorization

In a letter addressed to the Executive Director of Twaweza on July 9, the Acting Director General of the Commission for Science and Technology (] COSTECH ), Dr. Amos Nungu, stated that the non-profit organization had not asked the commission to conduct the research.

Section 37 (2) of the controversial Statistic Act (2015) provides for a fine of up to $ 878 (Sh2,000,000) or a term of imprisonment of up to $ at least six months or both to a person who would publish or Twaweza confirmed having received a letter from COSTECH on Thursday, adding that they "are working on our response". In the survey, 64% of citizens felt that freedom for political parties to hold rallies had been reduced and 62% believed that the media were also intimidated to criticize the government and hold it accountable . 54% did not feel free to express their political views while only 27% said they would be willing to participate in a protest on a topic they did not like. The opposition leader, Chadema's President Freeman Mbowe, said the decline in the president's notes reflects the difficulties faced by citizens.

Magufuli has been accused of suppressing dissent and freedom of expression since taking office.

Advocacy groups urge Magufuli government to revise restrictive laws

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