Poverty and Human Rights in the Age of "Interest"


This challenge exists despite the recognition of the truth that full understanding of a problem can help treat or simplify treatment adequately.

While poverty can lead to further violation of people's rights, wealth creation has, for better or for worse, resulted in gross violations of people's rights, at least throughout history , past and contemporary. the national and international levels of the countries in relation to each other.

Barbarism prevailed from the primitive accumulation of capital in Europe at the time of the various industrial revolutions as it began in England in 1750, France after the Revolution of 1789, the 39, Germany, Italy and the United States in the years 1850-1870. their revolutions, and it continues to be as such at the national and international levels.

It seems that individual and state exploitation is the real deal of human survival, an experiment that would be consistent with Darwinian evolutionary theory that advocates the "survival of the fittest", although relativity the power has always ventured there, making the weak persist throughout the history of mankind.

From the looting and looting of foreign lands during the mercantile era to the forcing of pregnant women and children to work in coal mines in England, and from the slave trade to absolute colonization non-Western worlds, It can be said that the world operates on the basis of uncivil relations.

Since time immemorial, the quest for development has brought individuals and states to care little about human rights, resulting in consequences such as land expropriation, unrest mental and the love of the people for the "miraculous development". this leads to disregarding work in which superstition, including that in the name of "religion", never ceases to occur.

Across the African continent, from east to west, from north to south, it can be said that the state has done less about albino killings, including the victims only make up a special group of a manageable number of people. The fact is that those who "run the show", especially those in politics and business, are the ones who benefit from it and are thus accomplices, one way or the other, from the point of view. plot.

While some citizens are not clean, an effect that has repercussions on the community and the state since the institutions are composed of individuals who are in one way or the other. 39; another, perpetrators and beneficiaries of the inhumane act against people suffering from melanin deficiency. The primary task and purpose of supreme institutions is to protect and provide for the needs of the people, and typically should not have to serve the interests of interested individuals in any position.

Against this theory, however, practice suggests that the abuse of human rights would continue to safeguard the political administration, sometimes encouraging huge expenditures for things that do not touch human life while ignoring the crucial needs of the people.

The ignored plague of contaminated water in Flint, Michigan, United States, which remains unanswered for nearly two years, and the use by Bashir al-Assad of Chemical weapons against its people in the ongoing Syrian struggle are two powerful examples. In recent times they have shown how indifferent the people can be, regardless of the nation, whether in times of peace or war.

Vigilante justice is another area that is adopted by the people and authorities, mainly in developing countries, highlighting mainly the institutional failure and irresponsibility, which is affect and exert as much anti-development. effects that one might think: Anarchy may seem to work because of people's endless complaints against growing crime and their disappointment in law enforcement.

Despite its consequences for failing to comply with the law, various law enforcement officials appear to be adopting it at the individual level for vaguely expressed reasons, but including recurrent and rising crime.

As a result, there were cases of people killed in several countries where ministers and senior officials categorically stated in formal and informal settings that the police must beat and even kill all troublemakers , with political opposition is not spared by the ordeal.

Experience from across the African continent and the developing world demonstrates the low level of public confidence in law enforcement due to corruption between other factors. with their own hands because, they believe that if they put things in the hands of the police, for example, nothing will be done.

With high levels of irresponsibility on the part of the most educated, it is clear that abuses would continue at the administrative level, although this area remains doubtful if it helps a country to develop in any way. 19659002]

At another level, long hours of work, poor wages and general insecurity in the workplace remain an area where human rights violations are ubiquitous and investors would do so to increase their profit margins, exploited workers would continue to be subject. Several studies continue to comment on the case of the United States, noting that "no minimum wage would allow a person to support himself anywhere in the States," and certainly around the world given the rise in Cost of life. as well as access to education and health care services.

The exploitation by employment is also protected by the state in most countries, especially to attract more investment in order to save the struggling economies of the countries . All this is done to the detriment of the well-being of the people that states have an obligation to protect.

It may be that the state's commitment to improving people's living conditions and protecting their fundamental rights requires taking a distance from individual interests, so that The interests of the majority outweigh those of and outside the government.

* Francis Semwaza is a communication consultant for development based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto: [email protected]" [email protected]; Telephone: 0716466044

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