Gravitational waves reveal how fast our universe is growing – Market Global News


Our universe has exploded since its inception About 14 billion years ago, it was hanging out and spreading with the stars and galaxies of the universe, like all the raisins in a quick dough to rise.

In a research project, the astronomer pointed a telescope at some cosmic sources and stars, and regularly monitors the distance between the Earth and the Earth body, how fast they are moving away from Earth.The important parameter for measure the distance between the Earth object is the Hubble constant, a measure of the unit that indicates the speed the Earth's body is moving, but the researchers have found value Different rs for the Hubble constant that there is no constant pace as the universe grows. This new information on the random pace of universe expansion could challenge the original theory of the origins of the universe and its fate, also if the cosmos is going on. will collapse at some point or will grow indefinitely.

To counter the challenge of Hubble's constant, scientists at Harvard University and MIT have come up with a new solution independent of the Hubble constant, namely, using gravitational waves rejected by the rare system known as the black hole – neutron star, a pair of massively energetic neutrons. star and a black spiral hole. When they turn one towards the other, they produce a stronger gravitational force to shake the space. The researchers reveal in one report that the blaze of light from both bodies would help scientists estimate the speed of the system and how fast it is moving away or heading towards Earth. The gravitational waves emitted by the system could be traced in the Earth and would allow the scientist to know to what extent the system is accurate and precise.

Scientists claim that finding a rare black neutron star is a challenge finding someone would yield to its search by giving a precise and accurate Hubble constant, which is the rate of expansion of our universe.

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