Invest wisely, TASAF beneficiaries cautioned


Mtwara Mikindani Supuk Renasira City Council, TASAF Interim Coordinator, called on members of the media and TASAF Headquarters officials this weekend to discuss how the Council's community benefits from the strategy of reducing poverty. poverty of the TASAF program. He has been in the council to visit some of the underprivileged families who are in the program and also see their progress.

Renasira said that without proper use of funds, beneficiaries will see no improvement adding that they should all refrain from this lavish spending and focus on basic social needs

urged beneficiaries to make good use of the training of entrepreneurs and the education they received through their groups by implementing their income-generating activities.

"All beneficiaries should make good use of the knowledge and resources they receive to set up income-generating activities that will help them every time they have to graduate," he said. he declared

. The main objective was to help poor households increase their income and increase their income through small projects and investments. "

Renasira congratulated some beneficiaries who had used their funds to invest in small businesses such as poultry, goat keeping and establishing small shops.

He said that thanks to the 76 groups established in the municipality, the beneficiaries were able to save money and use it to start small businesses.

"We saw most of the beneficiaries engaging in income-generating activities thus improving their lives, 39 is good and commendable … We will continue to supervise to see their lives change, "he added.

Zuhura Kitimbu (52), one of the beneficiaries of the Mtwara municipality, said that thanks to the program, she was able to establish a small shop where the surrounding community can have basic needs and get profits.

"Tasaf has helped to create a small business for feed my family, but also to get extra income for the education of my children. I lived a very vulnerable life but I am no longer the same poor person, my life has improved, "she said.

For her part, Zena Kapenga, a beneficiary who decided to invest in the manufacture of goats, said that before she enrolled in the program, she had no hope to live.

According to her, she lived in a small single room while she sometimes spent a day with one meal, but thanks to TASAF she was able to build a three-room house.

"The funds have helped me build a better home, pay school fees for my child and buy a balanced diet for my family, I'm also involved in small businesses and a lot many people, "she said. Relations Officer Estom Sanga said the program not only provided funding to beneficiaries, but that beneficiaries were also able to establish community savings and investment groups

. He said that through the program, poor families have received support, that students can go to school and get services such as health care and temporary jobs. for adults.

"The program brought indirect benefits where communities of different ideologies put aside their differences and work together" The program also allowed beneficiaries to acquire basic services such as food, shelter and health services for which they could not have access sooner.

Launched in 2000, the program is now in its third phase, implementing a Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) program that targets more than one million poor households in the country.

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