Gugu Zulu's family plants trees on Kilimanjaro in his honor


Letshego, widow and fitness guru of Gugu Zulu, and their daughter, Lelethu, recently honored the memory of the race car driver by planting trees on the slopes of Kilimanjaro.

Mothers of Gugu and Letshego also made the trip to Tanzania for the ceremony.

Letshego describes the day as special and shares a series of photos of the ceremony on social media.

"Two years later, I always smile in memory of the exceptional human being that Gugu Zulu was and continues to have in my heart."

She initiated the initiative in collaboration with The Kilimanjaro Project to keep Gugu's legacy alive. Gugu died during a Trek4Mandela expedition on the mountain in 2016.

Last year, Letshego returned to conquer the mountain in Gugu's honor.

"Trees are a gift that continues to give and are reminders of life!" Gugu touched so many lives when he was alive and through this life project, will continue to touch a lot more. Marangu in his name who will continue to produce trees for years to come, "said Letshego when she launched the project.

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