USAID donates 398mil / -communication gadget to TTB to boost tourism


Speaking shortly after receiving the gift, the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Dr. Hamisi Kigwangalla thanked USAID, for being on the front line to support the government's efforts in promoting tourism destinations in Tanzania through the publication of leaflets and magazines. 19659002] "To a large extent, USAID has been instrumental in facilitating access to the TTB and its stakeholders.With the support of this file server means increased efficiency in the tourism sector", he added.

He added that it was difficult to find authentic information related to the tourism sector. Dr. Kingwangalla further noted that the presence of the server would increase work morale due to the fact that the server will easily provide information without the cost of communication

"I hope this file server will help in the future. 39; accessibility of all important information, the information that will be provided to the server will also lead to the accessibility of accurate information on the website of our Ministry and that of the Office of He said that it would be easy to gather all the information under one roof and that the government is trying to ensure that all information is available on the digital side. [19659002] "Our nation has so many tourist attractions, including beaches, parks and historic sites, among others, if we take the opportunity to publicize them, we will increase the number of tourists in the country, "he said. 59002] He added that the file server had arrived at a time when Tanzania was seeing an increase in the number of tourists visiting the country, adding that the gadget was another reason for the country to grow the sector by receiving more tourists.

"We also plan to promote Dar es Salaam as a tourist destination, promote the Swagaswaga National Reserve and the Kondoa Irangi Rock Painting as a tourist attraction in the Dodoma region."

Bronwyn Llewellyn congratulated "We are very proud to be able to support you in promoting tourism here in Tanzania," explained Llewellyn

. Devota Mdachi said the server would help increase the efficiency, storage and dissemination of all key information. "We sincerely thank USAID for its support through its project called USAID PROTECT, this project has helped TTB in capacity building." she said.

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