Google Doodle pays tribute to Georges Lemaitre's Big Bang theory


New Delhi, July 17 (IANS) – Google on Tuesday dedicated an animated doodle to Belgian cosmologist Georges Lemaitre who, in 1927, proposed the Big Bang theory when he theorized that the universe was beginning by one point and became as big as it is now.

Lemaitre's thesis was based on calculations drawn from Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, but Einstein was not impressed by Lemaitre's work. Two years before changing your mind.

For his contribution to improving the understanding of the universe, Lemaître received in 1934 the prestigious Francqui Prize, the highest scientific award in Belgium – and one of his nominators was Einstein .

Tuesday's Google Doodle that marks Lemaitre's 124th birthday depicts the cosmologist in the ever-expanding universe that he had imagined for the first time, surrounded by galaxies extending to Outside as he said

Born July 17, 1894 The Belgian city of Charleroi, Lemaitre wore many hats during his lifetime. He served the Belgian army during the First World War. He entered seminary after the war and was ordained a Catholic priest in 1923. He studied physics at the University of Cambridge, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The Lemaitre article published in 1927 on the expansion of the universe was soon corroborated by the observations of Edwin Hubble, published in 1929.

Lemaitre accurately estimated the numerical value that astronomers would call the Hubble constant, a unit of measure describing the universe. rate of expansion.

Compared to the small scientific readership of Lemaitre in Belgium, Hubble's work has received a much wider diffusion.

As a result the Hubble name is more often associated with the Big Bang, which gave birth to a new branch of science called Google said in a statement

yet Lemaitre was not completely neglected in his day . In addition to the Francqui Prize in 1934, he received several other international scientific awards, and a crater on the moon was named for him in 1970.

He died on June 20, 1966.


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