The citizen invited to visit the natural forest reserves


Curator of the Amani Nature Reserve, Mwanaidi Kijazi made the remarks when he addressed reporters who visited the African Center for Biodiversity this weekend.

The largest wooded block of the Usambara Mountains species including birds, Usambara's three-masted chameleon, arboreal frogs that hunt birds at night, butterfly and flowers (African Violet), species that were not available in other reserves abroad

had the opportunity to visit the Amani Forest Reserve as part of the Tanzania Forest Initiative Services (TFS), from the 42nd edition of the Dar es Salaam International Fair (DITF).

The movement aimed to encourage and develop domestic tourism and to help more people learn about the various species available in forest reserves and increase their income.

It was organized as part of the campaign dubbed "SabaSaba Special".

The Amani Nature Reserve is located in the East Usamabara Mountains with an area of ​​83.8km square including the Amani Botanical Garden. The reserve is used to preserve the unique flora and fauna.

"There were also unique waterfalls that provide water to the neighboring village and to the urban water supply of Tanga," Mwanaidi explained.

According to her, the foreigners came and paid US $ 15 to look at the flower that is only in the reserve called "Africa Violet".

"For us, instead of using the reserve to generate income through wood, we are working to develop ecological tourism through research and training to earn income through a non-consuming value system" .

For her part, Mariam Kobelo, head of marketing and investment at TFS, said that it was a sustainable initiative to encourage local tourists to visit the forest reserves and learn about the ecological systems of the region

. Devote this unique opportunity to locals – with the goal of providing them with information to understand what we have been blessed with. "She said.

According to her, they also took advantage of the opportunity to increase the income of the local population rather than depend solely on foreigners.

Kobelo said that they are also happy to see that the community surrounding the nature reserve is also taking initiatives to protect the ecology that helps them in their daily activities.

The TFS administers 12 natural forest reserves including Amani, Nyilo, Chome, Mkingu, Udzungwa and many others, so it is time for Tanzanians to get the right information about the forest reserves available in the region.

For his part, the village president of Mlesa in Muheza district, Hamad Hiza, said: village has signed an agreement with the management of the Amani Nature Reserve to protect the environment, including the organisms alive and other creatures.

"We were trained by the reserve authority on ways to protect the forest reserve, adding that the village has received autonomous through the environmental committee to punish anyone who will destroy the forest reserve He said,

He said the forest reserve and the village decided to do so to stop the mining activities that existed in the forest against the law.


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