Eating an early dinner could reduce your risk of cancer, but scientists do not know why – BGR


You already know a number of things that can reduce your chances of having different types of cancer. Avoiding tobacco products is a big problem, just like taking care of your skin when it is in the sun, but have you ever considered your choice of dinner time as a contributing factor to your cancer risk? Probably not, but new research suggests that you might want to consider it.

A new study published in the International Journal of Cancer draws very interesting links between the time of the evening when a person eats his dinner and their overall risk of developing certain types of cancers, including Breast and prostate cancer, which are two of the biggest killers in men and women

"Modern life involves inadequate sleep and eating habits, health effects," explain researchers. "We assessed whether the meal schedule is associated with the risk of breast and prostate cancer, taking into account lifestyle and chronotype, a feature correlated with the preference for morning or evening activities."

eats his last meal of the day, and people who eat before 9 pm or eat for at least a few hours before hitting the bag significantly reduce their risk of developing cancer. scientists estimate that these people benefit from a 20% lower risk of cancer compared to those who eat after 22 hours. or eat just before getting into the bed.

Researchers followed the habits of thousands of individuals and followed their nocturnal eating habits and whether or not they developed long-term cancer. The numbers seem to indicate that first dinners are a very beneficial thing if you hope to avoid some of the most common types of cancer, but scientists still do not know exactly why that is true. Right now, they believe that the circadian rhythm, which is the pattern of daily activity and sleep that humans have established for hundreds of thousands of years, plays a role, albeit one of the most important things in life. they can not say exactly how.

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