Opening of a BRICS media photo exhibition in Cape Town


  Media delegate views photos at second BRICS Media Joint Photo Exhibition in Cape Town, South Africa, July 18, 2018. The second edition of the BRICS Media Joint Photo Exhibition opened Wednesday at Cap. cultures, lives, development and cooperation of the BRICS countries. (Xinhua / Chen Cheng)

A media delegate is viewing photos at the second edition of BRICS Media Joint Photo Exhibition in Cape Town, South Africa, July 18, 2018. The second edition of the BRICS Media Exhibition Joint Photo Wednesday to shed light on the cultures, life, development and cooperation of the BRICS countries. (Xinhua / Chen Cheng)

The second edition of the BRICS Media Joint Photo Exhibition opened Wednesday in Cape Town, South Africa, to shed light on the cultures, lives, development and cooperation of BRICS country. The International Convention Center is part of the two-day BRICS Media Forum that will begin Wednesday and the next 10th BRICS to be held July 25-27 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The exhibition presents 98 photos selected by media groups from Brazil China, India, China and South Africa were jointly organized by the press agency Chinese Xinhua and the South African Independent Media Agency

. According to Cai Mingzhao, chairman of Xinhua and executive chairman of BRICS Media Forum, at the opening of the event, people's lives as well as the exchange and cooperation. "They also demonstrate the spirit of openness, openness and win-win cooperation of the BRICS, and announce the great development prospects of the BRICS countries. The BRICS media will strengthen communication and coordination and tell new stories about BRICS cooperation to add sparkle, Cai said

. under the theme "BRICS Media Cooperation – Promoting an Inclusive and Just World Order."

Iqbal Surve, Executive Chairman of Independent Media and Co-Chair of the BRICS Media Forum, said that the photos selected for the event reflect an important point. by the BRICS countries about a just world order

Wednesday marked the centennial of the birth of the late South African President Nelson Mandela. The exhibition pays tribute to Mandela with a collection of his photos

According to organizers, more than 100 media representatives from Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa , Kenya and Tanzania attended the opening ceremony. The first BRICS media photo exhibition was organized by the Xinhua News Agency in Beijing last June.

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