Kids News: Scientists in Queensland discover new endangered bandy-bandy snake species in Weipa


SCIENTISTS found a new species of venomous snake * for Australia

Biologists *, led by Bryan Fry, associate professor at the University of Queensland, unexpectedly discovered a new Bandy-bandy snake species at Weipa on the west coast of Australia. the peninsula of Cape York in the far north of Queensland.

Professor Fry said the bandy-bandies were digging snakes and that they were surprised when they found it on a concrete block by the sea. [19659002"Wehavediscoveredmorethanahundredsnakes'wasslippedoffofalotofrubblethatwaswaitingtobeloadedontoaboat"hesaid

  The snake had slipped from a pile of bauxite to Weipa, Qld. Photo: News Corp Australia
media_camera The snake had slipped from a pile of bauxite at this mine in Weipa, Qld. Photo: News Corp Australia

"At the examination of my student Chantelle Derez, the bandy-bandy has turned out to be a new species, visually and genetically distinct from those found on the Australian east coast and in some areas of the interior. "

The team found another specimen * in its natural habitat near Weipa and another killed by a car near the mine.

They then carefully examined the snakes kept in the museum's collections, where they found two more. They also found a photo of another, which made a total of six sightings * in the same small area.

Scientists gave the snake the scientific name Vermicella Parscauda.

he feared that the new species was already endangered and threatened with extinction due to mining

"The mining of bauxite is a major economic activity in the region, and it can reshape the environment at the expense of native plants.The animals, "he said.

  Bryan Fry, Queensland University biologist, who studies venom , photographed here with a komodo dragon Image: provided
media_camera Queensland University biologist Bryan Fry, who studies venom, pictured here with a komodo dragon Image: courtesy [19659007"Theimportanceofsuchdiscoveriesgoesbeyondsimplydocumentingwhatexistsbecausevenomsarerichsourcesofcompoundsthatcanbeusedtodevelopnewdrugs"

He said that their discovery shows how little we know ur the plants and animals of Australia and how much can be lost even before it is discovered.

Here's what to do if someone is bitten by a snake

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