Rwandan police reject the complaint of rebel incursions on the southern border


Rwandan police on Wednesday denied that a militant group claiming to overthrow President Paul Kagame was at the origin of attacks along the country's southern border with Burundi.

In June, unidentified assailants attacked and killed two people. Nyabimata, where the authorities said that two similar attacks took place in July.

Callixte Nsabimana Sankara, a spokesman for a new political party called MRCD, said Monday in South Africa that he had begun an armed attack.

Sankara is a former member of the exiled opposition group, the Rwanda National Congress, founded by former Kagame collaborators who have scrambled with him.

The MRCD said Sunday that its military wing was fighting. with the Rwandan army in the Nyungwe Forest for a month and claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Rwandan authorities, including the local government minister and the police chief, visited

Police said on Wednesday that the violence was caused by intruders.

"We have no security problems in Rwanda, the fact that there is somebody from nowhere claiming that it was part of the violence in Nyabimata is good for we in terms of justice, "said police spokesman Theos Badege

Badege added that two other small attacks had been perpetrated in July. did not affect national security. "

" We have security. They attacked and looted animals and food but as Sankara claimed responsibility he will be part of the investigation. "

Reuters was not able to verify Sankara's claim and appeals to the army spokesperson remained unanswered." Soldiers told Reuters that "I do not know what to do." army had strengthened security in the region.

"There are many soldiers and heavy weapons, including tanks along the Nyungwe Forest buffer strip and local security agents have increased "People are scared," said a Kivu resident, adding that unknown gunmen attacked the area on Friday night.

Authorities have asked people to remain calm and to help the security forces identify the perpetrators. Citizen TV updated
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