First all black American expedition team to climb Kilimanjaro


For many, climbing the highest mountain in Africa in Tanzania may seem like an impossible feat. But for a determined group, they have never imagined to accomplish the summit of a lifetime and make history as America's first black-and-white expedition team to climb. Kilimanjaro.

A unique group of 11 climbers, aged 25 to 60 from across the country, came together through Outdoor Afro. A national nonprofit organization founded on the creation of a network that inspires African-American connections and leadership in nature.

  PHOTO: The team emerged from the forest in the giant heather area and on the open moor. The geological features of the ancient volcanic caldera fascinated him Outdoor Afro
The team emerged from the forest in the giant heather area and on the open moor. In the old volcanic caldera, the geological features were fascinating.

With nearly 80 leaders in 30 states across the country, Outdoor Afro has allowed thousands of people to experience outdoor experiences to "change the face of conservation." Through the help of sponsorship and fundraising teams in prospect states, the organization has provided many outdoor events for members locally and internationally.

"This experiment was aimed at fostering relationships with other like-minded leaders," said Chaya Harris. As a leader in education in Boston, Harris works for change in his community and wanted to be able to combine that with his favorite hobby of being in the wild.

While coaching for a year, members were not extreme athletes and were gearing up for this trip and demanding a change in their diet and lifestyle. "I was hiking 6.5 to 10.5 miles with weights on my back once a week," said Olatunde (Ola) Gholahan, a father of two from Austin Texas. As the son of a Nigerian, Ola said it meant a lot to have the opportunity to travel to Africa – his father's birthplace.

  PHOTO: The climbers needed a complete equipment for the trip, the lay-downs were an opportunity for the group to see all their resources. Outdoor Afro
The climbers needed a complete equipment for the trip, The flags were an opportunity for the group to see all their resources.

"Will I have the opportunity to go home and get the support of my community and peers to participate in this amazing experience?"

Gholahan said that being the only man in the group to reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and being the only man in a group of women showed him how powerful women are. The women in the group reminded her of these girls and it was a source of inspiration to tell her daughters that they too can accomplish incredible feats like this one.

Although located in separate states, the team organized daily calls to share their progress in coaching, to help each other with resources to pack their bags and to to get to know each other better Outdoor Afro also held a leadership summit in Los Angeles that allowed leaders to unite before the trip.

  PHOTO: The group climbed the Barranco wall with some jamming sections and then descended back into the Karanga Valley Outdoor Afro
The group climbed steeply up to the Barranco wall with some sections scrambling and Then he went back down to the Karanga Valley.

For five days, the team began climbing the southwestern slopes of the mountain, up to Kibo Peak, with visible western glaciers -altitude desolate rocks. Hiking four to six hours each day, covering thousands of feet, hikers increased their altitude until reaching Barafu Hut, a campsite in Kilimanjaro National Park, before embarking on the summit.

  PHOTO: The group is led by porters climbing Barranco Wall, a steep climb on Kilimanjaro Outdoor Afro
The group is led by porters climbing Barranco Wall. Mount Kilimanjaro.

Beginning of their ascent to 23 hours. climbers have endured difficult and perilous conditions. Walking on a 45 degree slope in total darkness, with decreasing oxygen levels and a relentless wind that disoriented the group – they relied on their confidence in the person before them and a determination to keep moving forward .

"I'm going to get there, the sun will come up – I was just repeating that to myself, I had to get to the top for my family, my support system, the people of Boston – I'm doing it for my team Says Chaya Harris.

  PHOTO: The five members who made the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain of Africa in Tanzania. From left to right: Olatunde Gholahan, Leandra Taylor, Chaya Harris, Rosemary Saal and Alora Jones Outdoor Afro
The five members who reached the summit of Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa in Tanzania. From left to right: Olatunde Gholahan, Leandra Taylor, Chaya Harris, Rosemary Saal, and Alora Jones

Of the 11 climbers, only five reached the summit of Kilimanjaro but for all members, reaching different points of the mountain. The trip was special in many ways.

For Ray Smith, a 59-year-old veteran of the 59-year-old Washington Air Force, the trip was "going beyond the point of departure to create one's own summit." As a cancer survivor, Smith said that traveling to Kilimanjaro was a testament to his stamina and being part of a team of black outdoor leaders who supported each other was crucial.

Outdoor Afro has created a network of leaders who are connected by not having extreme athletic backgrounds but an admiration for the outdoors and adventures. Mountaineers who have traveled to Mount Kilimanjaro have been challenged by what it means to be a leader in a group during a physically challenging expedition.

The organization helped push the barriers by training members to how they can strengthen their community through nature.

"There are misconceptions that blacks do not have a global perspective and this trip has allowed us to change the traditional narrative to reflect what it means to be a person of color and adventurous," says Chaya Harris. [ad_2]
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