Sonic Mania Lead talks about the magic of fan service that makes Tick play


With the recent release of Sonic Mania Plus on Switch, it is good to give yourself a new chance to bask in the nostalgic glory of the original game presented. Sonic games can be a delicate subject, fans of the series like and hate the different elements of each – and a general sense of disappointment from some recent versions of Sega – but Sonic Mania seemed to change all that. Suddenly, Sonic fans were happy again.

But how did this happen? Why were Sonic fans almost universally in love with Mania? In an attempt to answer this question, Eurogamer recently spoke with the project's project manager, Christian Whitehead, responsible for several remakes of Sonic, before receiving the official call from Sega himself [19659004]. Sonic 2 really played – and that really triggered my interest in video games, "he says. "There was this special mode of cheating debugging, and for me it was the first time you could see some tips on how games work, which really aroused my curiosity about how games are developed. . "

Understanding what really makes a Sonic game feel like a Sonic game helped Whitehead produce Sonic Mania. In a period of time when fans of the series have been constantly disappointed by the latest games, Whitehead has managed to get up and give them a game that deserves to be celebrated. The full interview is definitely worth reading if you're interested, but this excerpt below talks about Whitehead's own ideas about what makes Sonic successful – and ultimately, what makes Sonic Mania as great.

There are a lot of different fans, and they all have different feelings about what Sonic is for them, so I can only use my personal feelings for Sonic, and for me it's always been … Obviously, the character itself has The design is very attractive, it's very iconic.For the gameplay, there are a lot of pinball inspirations – all these outdoor elements – almost skateboarding, really, l & # 39; 39; the idea of ​​gaining speed by going down the slopes.It's all these physical interactions

"The basic premise of the game is very simple – just reach the end of the level and win – but there are so many different ways to interact with the stages, to gain speed from certain angles, to jump at certain angles.There is a very feeling of playground.Go fast feels good – and at the time on the Mega Drive it was an impressive technical feat – my is also the freedom of the gameplay, that's what I like as a fan of Sonic.

What do you think of Sonic Mania and his relationship with other games in the franchise? Was it a good return on the gameplay you always liked, or were you happy with Sega's recent efforts? Share your thoughts with us below.

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