The VIP reception enthuses the American golfer Nicklaus


The golfer was received by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Japhet Hasunga, and by senior officials of the Tanzania Tourism Board (TTB).

"I have heard about many tourist attractions in this country. first time to be in Tanzania. We were delighted with the welcome we received from the government and board members.

I know that I am in good hands and hope that I will see with my own eyes all these things that I am told to be found here, "said the golfer relaxed to his guests and journalists

. visit the Dodoma area and contribute to a water project supervised by his German friend. "It was said that there was a serious shortage of drinking water in this city." Nicklaus pledged to contribute to the mitigation of this problem

. Deputy Minister Hasunga thanked the golfer for coming, asked him to feel at home and assured him, as well as his family, of a safe and enjoyable stay in Tanzania.

He said that Nicklaus' visit was proof that Tanzania was able to make itself known to the world's tourist population.

Hasunga told reporters that Tanzania applauded the golfer's action in choosing Tanzania for the visit

"Tanzania, the homeland of Kilimanjaro and unmatched world-famous attractions like Serengeti, is pleased to welcome Nicklaus and his family.

Visitors will see the beauty of our country. We hope that Nicklaus will be our tourism ambassador when he returns home, "he said.

He said the government had bought planes to transport tourists abroad and modernize tourism. Mdachi said the TTB had asked the golfer to be Tanzania's ambassador to the United States.

"Our guests will be here for more than ten days. We will make sure that they see everything that they want to see. We will faithfully fulfill their wishes, "she promised.

During his hay days, golfer Nicklaus, nicknamed Golden Bear, won 117 prizes, making him a very important and wealthy person in the world. Nicklaus promised to invest in Tanzania.

Usually, Tanzania does not publish private tours of personalities from around the world who visit local tourist attractions, if visitors request private quiet tours. This month, retired US President Barrack Obama spent an eight-day private tour of local tourist attractions before leaving for Kenya on July 15th.

Swiss President Alain Berset is also in the country for a quiet private visit since July 10, 2018.

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