Insatiable Netflix: Alyssa Milano reacts to a setback


Netflix's new black comedy, Insatiable is accused of sleeping in – but star Alyssa Milano insists that the show tackles the subject head on.

Ryan, as a high school student, named Patty who was constantly bullied about her weight. After an incident that has her jaw closed during the summer, Patty shows up for the first day of her senior year, she looks rather different – and she craves revenge against someone else. who was mean to her

On Thursday, the film faced a violent reaction, with critics accusing the show of being ashamed and calling it "disgusting," "lazy" and "toxic".

Milano, who plays the wife of Patty's lawyer and her beauty Pageant coach, tweeted that the show hopes to deal with the issue of bullying, not to create more.

"We are not humiliating Patty," she writes. "We approach (through comedy) the damage caused by shame, and I hope it will erase it."

She then refers to an article by Teen Vogue on the show.

Ryan did not directly address the backlash, but she too pointed it at Twitter subscribers to the article Vogue Teen and posted a Screen capture of a highlighted section that reads as follows: "When she returns to school, everyone is stunned by her physical change. Problematic? You bet. After all, if someone treats you of how your body looks, that says a lot about them not you. In keeping with this, Patty embarks on a quest for everyone to pay for the way they treated her (even if you really should let karma take care of the bad guys in a good time) [19659008]. Lauren Gussis describes Patty as inspired by her own "awful old teenager."

"I really felt that it was important to look [bullying] head on and talk about it," says Gussis at Teen Vogue . "I hope that if I'm going to expose all my pain for humor, I'm going to make sure that at least one person feels less alone.Hope that a lot of people through laughs will be like : "Oh my God, I'm laughing because I'm telling, I'm not laughing, I'm laughing with."

Insatiable on Netflix on August 10th.

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