The war against infectious diseases receives 5.3 billion shillings in the arm of the WHO


WHO Representative to the WHO, Adiele Onyenze, said yesterday at a ceremony held in Dar es Salaam that the donation was the ongoing commitment of the WHO. WHO to the government's important goals to alleviate the suffering of marginalized communities.

Items included scanners, medications, disposable bags, personal protective equipment, Water Guard pellets, safety boots, and standard surgical gowns.

The representative of the country said the kits were intended to provide security against viral diseases, including Ebola, while addressing emergency preparedness and response for diseases such as plague and influenza. To fight against cholera and malaria, it is necessary to monitor antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Other kits included immunization development programs (IVDs) and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs, especially lymphatics). On the subject of Ebola preparedness, Mr Onyenze said that WHO has continued to strengthen the capacity of neighboring countries to prevent EVD during the recently reported outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo

. a crucial pillar to control and contain the disease in the country, "he said.

The representative of the country pointed out With regard to the fight against malaria and the elimination of malaria, he noted a steady reduction of reported cases of malaria in endemic areas of the country

. for him, the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets and the use of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (RDT) have been improved. "One of the greatest threats to the control and elimination of malaria in recent years is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Seniors. and Children, Dr. Mpoki Ulisubisya, praised WHO's support, saying it would help to supplement the availability of antimalarials, drugs and kits in hospitals across the country.

PS added that there were currently 23 scanners in the country, adding that the newly donated scanners would help "With new scanners, the government will now be able to install scanners at every point of view. entry into the country to improve early detection, "he explained.

adds that drugs and equipment are also intended to control emerging diseases, including Ebola, The drugs and drugs provided will help control emerging and re-emerging diseases in the country.

He reiterates the government's assurance There have been reports of Ebola cases in the country, noting that even in the neighboring DRC, he had been totally controlled.

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